Virtual currencies and virtual currency derivatives are speculative investments which involve substantial risk of loss and are not suitable for all investors. There are no guarantees of profit. Investments in virtual currencies and virtual currency derivatives can result in investors losing their entire investment.
While volatile, cryptocurrency markets offer a unique opportunity to earn significant, above market earnings. The key to achieving those earnings rests on a single factor:
Volatility must be analyzed using real time information and advanced tools.
Black Bull Advisors (BBA) utilizes a unique algorithm that analyzes real time volatility in cryptocurrency markets and uses that information to drive its trading strategy.
BBA’s algorithm sifts through Big Data – by which we mean publicly available market and economic data of virtual currencies – to generate potential investment opportunities for BBA to consider based on its investment strategy.
For over 10 years, the principals of BBA have been developing, improving, and applying this AI-based technology to improve trading outcomes in traditional equity markets. Beginning in 2018, BBA applied that technology to the cryptocurrency market.